Angemeldet als:
Angemeldet als:
My name is Aleksandra Królak and I am a 38-year-old energetic, passionate, and joyful spirit. I am honest and empathic. I create an open environment by the calm presence and active listening to your needs.
I came to Berlin over 12 years ago from Warsaw, Poland to develop my career professionally (a fun factor or the city was also a big plus, no lies!). Only after I found out that I am pregnant two years after I have realised how scary, isolating, and overwhelming planning a birth far away from home can be.
As your EBB® instructor, I deeply understand what you are going through - being alone in a new country with a limited support network, submerged in a foreign and complicated language, and a whole new health care system is really scary, I navigate you through all of the points and turns on your way, guarding your well being and protecting your birth wishes.
I am a mother of two beautiful souls, whose births were life-changing events leading me to my doula pathway. Each of them was a unique experience, offering a spiritual lesson on humility and the power of women's body and instinct.