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Get informed, prepared, and empowered with a childbirth class you and your partner will LOVE!
Start learning evidence based information today, in a childbirth class that gives you the flexibility of learning online, support and encouragement from an experienced instructor, and community with your classmates.
Are you looking forward to having a baby, but worried about what it’s like to be a “patient” in the hospital system? Never fear, Savvy Birth 101 is here! The 1-hour Savvy Birth 101 class was developed by Evidence Based Birth® to give you the inside scoop on how to form the ultimate birth team, so when the time comes to bring your baby into the world you can find yourself at the center of respectful, evidence-based care.
At the Savvy Birth Workshop, you’ll learn ways to communicate effectively with your doctor, midwife, and nurse. You will discover strategies for asking questions without seeming disrespectful and you’ll get the inside scoop on how to stack the odds in your favor of having a positive birth.
Unlike other childbirth classes, we will help you avoid the typical assembly-line care with six virtual “tickets!” These “tickets” are your secret advantage to coping with the unknowns of birth! At the workshop you’ll find out how you can use these tickets in the hospital or wherever you intend to give birth!
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for the first time Evidence Based Birth® Childbirth Class has been introduced to the international, English-speaking community in Berlin, Germany.
Receive a personal mentorship from a cetrified EBB Instructor, an experienced birth and postpartum doula, Aleksandra Krolak
All classes are available in person and online, within Central European Time
Wir schätzen unsere Kunden sehr und freuen uns, dass du unsere Website besuchst. Was können wir für dich tun?
Guerickestraße 28, 10587 Berlin, Germany
Aleksandra Krolak 015901997889
Heute | Geschlossen |
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